Beth Guckenberger

Beth Guckenberger has lived among and loved children from around the world. An author of twelve books, she serves with Back2Back Ministries, an international orphan care organization. Beth speaks regularly at conferences, youth gatherings, and churches, and loves playing games and traveling with her large family.

Featured Books by Beth Guckenberger

There’s a reason you’ve always known God has big plans for you—He’s created you with great purpose! In this transformative, biblically based book, Beth Guckenberger draws on God’s original intention for women to embolden us to use our gifts as full participants at church, at work, and at home.
There’s a reason you’ve always known God has big plans for you—He’s created you with great purpose! In this transformative, biblically based book, Beth Guckenberger draws on God’s original intention for women to embolden us to use our gifts as full participants at church, at work, and at home.